6600 College Boulevard
Suite 130
Overland Park, KS 66211
+1 (913) 526 6362
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"Training at Catalyst Krav Maga Academy under Brian is awesome. Everything we learn is practical, not to mention getting a killer workout. Really glad this school opened up."
"Brian is a great instructor. Extremely knowledgeable. Very glad I signed up. I would recommend the school to anyone and know whoever joins would gain a wealth of knowledge."
"I learned a lot in the 1 hour intro session. Brian is well versed on Krav, and I like the ranking system. This academy is not like any other. Glad I'm joining!!!"
6600 College Boulevard
Suite 130
Overland Park, KS 66211
Email: info@catalystkrav.com
Phone: +1 (913) 526 6362